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The Village of Newark, IL Timeline
- In 1835 Newark was originally settled as Georgetown.
- In February of 1843 the Name Changed to Newark.
- In 1850 the U.S. Census showed the population to be 1342.
- In 1853 a new school was built, another in 1868.
- The Fowler Institute was charted and opened in 1857.
- 1865 was the year of Newarkâs organization as a co-operation with the Village Board and Officers. The First meeting was in March of 1865.
- In 1875 the hometown was organized into a village.
- In 1914 the Illinois Midland Railroad began its operations.
- In 1930 the new high school was built on Chicago Road.
- In 1976 the Senior center was opened and July 1st marked the begining of the Ambulance service.
- In 1985 Newark celebrated its Sequicentennial.
- In 2010 Newark celebrated its 175th birthday.