Village Parks
The Village of Newark has three (3) parks. Townhouse Park, Bank Park and Downtown Park
Townhouse Park: is located at: 600 S. Townhouse Rd
This park has three (3) pavilions that can be rented out.
Pavilion 1 is on the Right side of the parking area by the Veterans Memorial
Pavilion 2 is on the left of the parking lot near the concession stand and main ballfield.
Pavilion 3 is located by the lower ball field below the parking lot.
Cost to rent out a pavilion is $20.00 and can only be reserved for 4 hours. Please use the reservation forms below to view the pavilion calendars and to check for reservations.
Pavilion 1 is on the Right side of the parking area by the Veterans Memorial
Pavilion 2 is on the left of the parking lot near the concession stand and main ballfield.
Pavilion 3 is located by the lower ball field below the parking lot.
Cost to rent out a pavilion is $20.00 and can only be reserved for 4 hours. Please use the reservation forms below to view the pavilion calendars and to check for reservations.
Pavilion and Park Rules:
1. All pavilions may be reserved in advance for a fee. If not reserved, pavilions are available on a first come, first serve basis.
2. All pavilions must be vacated 1 hour prior to the park closing. The park closes at 9pm or at dusk, whichever comes first.
3. During emergency weather conditions, the pavilions may be used as shelter for other patrons of the park.
4. Reservations will not be rescheduled, cancelled, or refunded due to inclement weather.
5. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on park property
6. The park closes at 9 p.m. or at dusk, whichever comes first, and opens at 8:00 a.m.
7. Dogs are not allowed in the Parks
8. A temporary canopy is allowed. Camping and enclosed tents are prohibited.
9. Bicycles are not allowed on the nature trails.
10. Any form of gambling, lottery or game of chance on park property is prohibited.
11. No person shall fire, discharge or have in their possession any rocket, firecracker, torpedo, squib, other fireworks or any substance of an explosive nature on park property.
12. The use of a loudspeaker, public address system or amplifier on park property without written permission from the park manager is prohibited.
13. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any violent, abusive, loud, boisterous, vulgar, lewd, wanton, obscene or otherwise disorderly conduct tending to create a breach of the peace, or to disturb or annoy staff or other patrons, while in or on any park property
14. No person shall at any time bring into or upon the properties of the park, nor have in their possession, nor discharge, or set off anywhere upon said properties, a revolver, pistol, shotgun, rifle, air rifle, air gun, or any gun, firearm, or bow or other weapon that discharges projectiles either by air, explosive substance or any other force.
Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any deputy sheriff, police officer, peace officer, or other duly appointed enforcement officer while carrying out the duties and responsibilities of their position.
15. No person shall upon park property: a) cut, pick, gather, uproot, remove, or destroy any tree, branch, sapling, bush, shrub, foliage, flower, plant, or grass, whether alive or dead, or chip, blaze, box, girdle, trim, or otherwise deface or injure any tree or shrub; b) remove or cause to be removed any sod, earth, humus, peat, boulders, gravel, or sand.
16. Nothing in these rules shall: a) Prohibit or hinder duly authorized agents of the of the Sheriff’s Department from performing their official duties, b) Prohibit the park director, from establishing emergency rules required to protect the health, welfare and safety of park visitors and to protect park property, and to maintain order.